Archive for October, 2013

Choosing the exact pair of contact lenses is important for your eyes. Users have experienced new heights of comfort wearing daily disposable contact lenses and all because of the following reasons:

You will completely get rid of cleaning and storing your contacts every night. What all you have to do is only to toss the lenses into the dustbin before going to sleep at night. In addition to that, you don’t have to buy saline solutions or cleaners which will save a good amount of money.

Disposing the lens daily almost eliminates the chance of irritants like dirt, hair, oil etc. getting transferred to the lens and eventually to the eyes. Even the lens storage containers may collect bacteria which can cause eye infections. Dailies just don’t give any chance of such eye irritations taking place.

If you had used monthly disposables or bi-weeklies earlier, then you must know how it feels to wear used contacts. But in case of daily disposables, you will get the feeling of wearing a fresh pair of lenses every morning.

These lenses are not as thick as other lenses. Therefore dailies are not at all noticeable.

There is really no chance of pathogen build-ups on the surface of the lens as you will dispose it at the end of the day.

If your traditional lenses get lost, ripped or tore up, it may cost a lot of money as you have to order a new pair and the delivery will also take time. But in case of daily disposables, you always have a fresh pair of lenses with you. So, cheers!

For sportsmen, daily disposables are ideal. They can wear a fresh pair just before beginning of the match. If the person lost it during the match, he/she can wear a new pair and continue playing. Is not it cool?

Daily disposables come handy for travelers also. Just put a box into your travel bag and trash the pair when you will go to bed at night.

By now I am quite sure that you have made your mind to go for daily disposable lenses. But, always consult with your eye doctor before opting for any kind of lenses. After all, it is for your eyes only -your most valuable possession.

Consider buying your contact lenses online. You will find that buying contact lenses online is a more affordable option than buying from your neighbourhood optician. Online suppliers offer lower prices as they buy contacts in bulk and they have no real estate cost. If you are in India, visit to find out about their unbeatable prices, convenient payment options and quick delivery.