Archive for January, 2011

Freshlook contact lenses

Posted: January 16, 2011 in Contact lenses

fresh look contact lenses

Want to change something about your appearance? How about your eye color? You would be amazed how eye color affects your image. Find out what color contacts can do for your appearance and see how to get the best out of them

Color contact lenses options

Enhancement contact lenses are designed to enhance the color of light eyes. They don’t change your color, but give your eyes a light blue, aqua or green tint. Enhancement color lenses make your eye color brighter and more defined.

The most popular enhancement color contacts are Acuvue 2 Colors Enhancers by Johnson & Johnson and Freshlook Dimensions by Ciba Vision. Freshlook Radiance is also a very interesting design; these lenses create an illuminating effect. Enhancement color contacts only work on light eyes; on dark eyes they will not have any effect at all.

Opaque color contacts completely change the color of your eyes. They work equally well for light and dark eyes. Even if you have a very dark brown eyes, opaque color contacts like Freshlook Colorblends can transform your color into sapphire blue or jade green.

The color of an opaque color lens isn’t solid – it has an imprinted pattern that simulates the natural pattern of a human eye. High quality opaque color contacts like Freshlook Colorblends look very realistic. People would be amazed by what beautiful blue, green or amethyst eyes you have.

Costume color contacts are always Halloween favorites. While the contacts mentioned above are designed to give your eyes a different but realistic looking color, costume lenses can give you cat’s eyes or werewolf eyes, while complete whiteouts are perfect for the effect of blind eyes. And who said that you can only wear costume color contacts for a costume party? It can be a real fun to wear them when going to the club, or just at school or work with otherwise ordinary clothes. With a pair of cat’s eyes, you are guaranteed to be noticed.

Most costume contacts only cover the color area of your eye. However, there are also scleral color contacts that cover the visible portion of your eye. Scleral lenses can produce unbelievable effects. The most popular costume contacts are Crazy Lenses by Cooper Vision and Wild Eyes by Ciba Vision.

All brand-name color and costume contact lenses are available with corrective powers as well as in plano (no correction) This means that if your eyesight isn’t perfect and you wear corrective contact lenses anyway, you can get color lenses with corrective powers and kill two birds with one stone.

Color contact lenses wearing advice

  • You should follow the same rules as for regular contact lenses – wash your hands before putting color lenses in, clean the lenses each time you use them and store them in a contact lens case in a special solution.
  • Color lenses are like your tooth or hair brash, and should not be shared with other people
  • You should put your make-up on after the lenses are in. If you use hairspray, do it before you put the lenses in, or shut your eyes very tightly while spraying.
  • Use only a mild multipurpose solution for cleaning your color contacts; never use

peroxide based solutions. And don’t rub the lenses – it can damage the color

  • If you don’t wear your lenses often, change the solution they are stored in at least once a week
  • Don’t wear your color contacts for longer than 8 hours at a time

Your eyes and your hair are probably the two things most people notice first. And with color contacts you can have any eye color you want. Try them, and I am sure you will see many men turning their heads when you pass.

Articles Source : fresh look contact lenses

LATE 1400S

Leonardo da Vinci is cited as the first individual to develop the concept of a contact lens based on certain sketches. It is suggested, however, that the sketches dealt with the concept of image reversal and not the concept of a contact lens.

LATE 1880SAdolf E. Fick, Eugene Kalt, and August Müller all produced glass scleral shells. Fick called them “Contactbrille” or contact spectacles, while Müller called them “Hornhautlinsen” or Corneal Lenses. Kalt was later the first to treat keratoconus by utilizing a glass shell approximating the radius of the normal cornea.
 1886Xavier Galezowski introduced using “plaquettes” to cover the corneal surface. These were gelatin squares soaked in mercury chloride and designed to reduce the possibility of infection after cataract surgery. This was considered the first use of a “therapeutic” contact lens.
 EARLY 1900SGerman companies Carl Zeiss and Müller led the optical industry in advanced usage of scleral contact lenses. In 1931, Joseph Dallos determined that tear flow beneath the contact lens was important and published the results of his study of 120 fittings. He later added fenestrations at the corneoscleral junction of the lens, which provided the flow of oxygenated tears to the underlying cornea.
1934 – 1960 SIn 1934, Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) was the first plastic used for corneoscleral lenses. In 1948, Kevin Touhy was granted a patent for a corneal contact lens using PMMA that fit only on the cornea and not on the sclera, and became the contact lenses of choice throughout the 1950s and 1960s.
1954 – 1971The first synthesis of a “soft” contact lens material, hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA), by O. Wichterle and D. Lim (Czechoslovakian scientists) occurred in 1954. This was followed by the development of spin-casting of HEMA by Otto Wichterle, (Christmas night in 1961 using his son’s erector set). Spin-casting became an ideal way to manufacture soft contact lenses. Soft contact lenses were first introduced in the United States in 1971 by Bausch and Lomb who acquired the rights to spin-casting and HEMA in 1966 from the National Patent Development Corporation.
197120/20 Optical Group estimates that the wholesale contact lens market was approximately $800,000.
197920/20 Optical Group estimates that the wholesale contact lens market was approximately $480 million.
1981First contact lenses for overnight wear were introduced.
1982The first bifocal soft contact lenses were introduced (BiSoft® by CibaVision).
 1984Enhancement tinted soft contact lenses were released (SoftColors® by CibaVision). Introduction of hydrogen peroxide care systems also occurred.
1987A major development occurred with the introduction of disposable soft contact lenses (Acuvue® by Vistakon).
LATE 1980SA formulation of fluorosilicone acrylate material for rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses became available; disposable soft contact lenses were introduced, along with soft contact lenses to change eye color.
1990SDirect contact lens distribution to patients through companies or eye care practitioners who provided this option as a value-added service increased significantly. Daily disposable lenses were introduced along with RGP lenses with low silicone content and high Dk fluorosilicone acrylates.
2001A new concept in extended wear (continuous wear up to 30 nights) was first approved by the FDA in the United States

Contact lenses are small visual devices made with curved pieces of plastic shaped in a way to conform directly to the wearer’s eye. They provide an artificial refracting surface to the human eye and are used to correct vision problems like myopia and hypermetropia. Contact lenses aid in eye focusing in the same manner as spectacles do. Apart from these corrective measures, contact lenses can also be used for cosmetic and therapeutic reasons.

There have been many modifications and improvements to the original idea of contact lenses, conceptualized first by Leonardo Da Vinci, through centuries. About 35 million people in the U.S. wear contact lenses today.

Features of Contact Lenses

The lenses are made from different types of materials – soft and rigid – and come in a variety of designs and colors. These include disposable, colored, astigmatic, aphakic, presbyopic and keratoconic lenses. The initial fitting and follow up care are important parts of contact lens usage to give maximum benefits of vision, appearance, comfort and tissue integrity.

Advantages of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are capable of correcting most of the problems that spectacles can as well as some additional ones that glasses cannot.

People not satisfied with their appearance using glasses can opt to use contact lenses for improved appearance. Contact lenses are not in the danger of slipping off, getting wet, or fogging up, which can easily happen with spectacles.

Extremely hypermetropiac people or those who have had cataracts removed, feel better wearing contact lenses as compared to spectacles, which in these cases produce uneven vision. Moreover, contact lenses give improved vision for people with damaged corneas due to disease or injury. Also for sportsmen, wearing contact lenses prove to be more practical as in the case of those where wearing spectacles pose a problem in their jobs. In addition to all these, contact lenses provide better side vision compared to glasses.

Uses of Contact Lens

The primary use of contact lenses is to correct myopia (short sightedness). They can also be used to rectify hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia and aphakia. Rigid lenses are used to correct irregular corneal trauma. Soft lenses are used as bandages for conditions like bullous keratopathy, recurring corneal erosion as well as to increase comfort, vision and postoperative wound healing.

Main Types of Contact Lenses

There are two principal types of contact lenses in use today. Soft contact lenses are those that are made of hydrophilic plastics and absorb liquid and must be kept moist for softness and easier moulding to the corneal surface. They are extremely comfortable and are used by majority of contact lens users. The other type in use is the gas permeable (RPG) or rigid contact lenses, which are composed of durable and flexible plastics, which permit oxygen to pass through to the cornea and are easier to maintain. The original hard lenses, or PMMAs, used earlier did not allow oxygen to pass to the eye and have been replaced by the RPGs.

If a person desires to use contact lenses, he or she should do so only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. He/she will advise whether contact lenses would be suitable for a person to use or which kind of lenses, soft or gas permeable, should be used in a particular case. It is imperative that a yearly examination be done after the initial use of contact lenses.

The Adverse Effects of Contact Lenses

People have difficulty in using contact lenses if they have eye irritations due to allergies or dust and chemicals. Overactive thyroid gland, severe diabetes or extreme arthritis in the hands, dry eyes related to pregnancy, contraceptives, diuretics, antihistamines and decongestants and eye disease prevents a person form using contact lenses.

The usage of contact lenses may give rise to problems like eye infections, allergic reactions to lens care solutions and deposit on lenses, redness of the eyes, scratched corneas, alteration in corneal shape and structure and abnormal blood vessels growing in the apparently clear cornea. You should consult your eye specialist without delay if there is burning, extreme sensitivity or hazy vision or pain.

SoftTouchLenses dot com provides information on contact lenses and their use.

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Contact Lenses

Excellent vision is a must no matter what level he or she is playing or performing in the game. If the vision is not as crisp and clear as it could be, the athlete not only won’t perform as well, but also risks serious harm. It’s absolutely essential to have the best vision possible. There are several options for vision correction, including glasses, contact lenses, LASIK surgery and orthokeratology (also known as ortho-k).

All of these options have their pros and cons, including costs and potential risk factors, so it’s important to have all the facts before coming to any conclusions. While not right for everyone, contact lenses are a happy medium for many people in that they’re relatively affordable, easy to use and care for and eliminate some of the drawbacks of wearing eyeglasses while avoiding both the risks of surgery and the expense of ortho-k. Even if you would prefer to stick to glasses for long term wear off the field, you should still explore the advantages of wearing contact lenses during play.

Enhanced vision with contact lenses
Contacts sit right on your eye, meaning that you can look off to the side and see as well as you do when you are looking straight ahead. With eyeglasses, you have limited peripheral vision, and the frames can cause blind spots in your visual field. This is particularly dangerous in sports where balls, pucks or other players could be coming at you from the side.

In addition, frames, even when they are fitted properly, can slide around on your face or worse, can drop off during a game. Glasses can also break during play, increasing your risk of facial and eye injuries during all types of sports, even those that are considered to be no contact. Another advantage of contacts lenses is that they fit under all of the different types of safety equipment. A hockey goalie wouldn’t exactly be comfortable with a pair of glasses under his face mask.

Contact lens options for athletes
For the serious athlete, the rigid gas permeable contact lens is typically the recommended choice of sports vision specialists for a number of reasons.

  • They hold their shape while on the eye. (Soft contacts may flatten out at times.)
  • They offer better correction of astigmatism and other corneal abnormalities that might be difficult to correct with other types of contact lenses.
  • They allow more oxygen to flow to the eye, which makes them more comfortable for longer wear.
  • The hard surface of RGP lenses doesn’t collect debris easily, so they will stay cleaner.
  • RGP lenses do not absorb the tears from the eyes, so you are less likely to have uncomfortable, dry eyes than with soft contacts.

RGP lenses do have drawbacks however. They can be harder to get used to than soft lenses, and are more likely to end up off-center or dislodged during play. You should discuss the pros and cons of each with your eye doctor before making a final decision.

Staying safe while wearing contacts
There are a number of things you have to consider about your safety when wearing contact lenses. First, no matter what type you are wearing, you must make sure that you are handling, wearing and caring for your lenses properly, to reduce your risk of complications including eye damage or infection. If you are on the road a lot, you may want to consider single-use soft contact lenses. These lenses are worn for one day only, and then thrown away, so you won’t have to bother with nightly cleaning or worry about packing solutions and cases. (Just be sure to pack some extra lenses in case of a mishap.)

Second, contact lenses do not provide adequate UV protection for the entire eye, so you’ll still have to wear UV-blocking sunglasses or goggles when you’re playing outside.

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